Rocketman's Director Dismisses Nude Scene Controversy Rumor

There are certain film genres that always prove to entrance audiences, and chief among them is the biopic. Moviegoers delight in seeing celebrity's stories played out on screen, usually with a touch more drama for good measure. Most recently, Bohemian Rhapsody entranced moviegoers, as Freddie Mercury's life and music was portrayed onscreen. That project ultimately resulted in a ton of award nominations, taking home an impressive four Academy Awards in the process.
The next musical biopic coming down the line is Rocketman, which will tell the story of Elton John's career and personal life. Kingsman's Taron Egerton is highly anticipated as the starring role, although there have been some rumors about the film's editing process. Namely, that Paramount was trying to edit down the gay content and nudity. Now director Dexter Fletcher has addressed these reports on Twitter. Check it out.
Well, that seems to put the kabosh on those rumors. Rocketman will reportedly feature all the content that Dexter Fletcher wants. And this should hopefully include Elton John's same-sex relationships being shown honestly onscreen.
Dexter Fletcher's tweet should be a relief to the Elton John fans that took umbrage with reports of Rocketman's censoring. From the start, Rocketman has been billed a holds-no-bar approach to John's life and career. While the legend is a producer on the project, the upcoming biopic was supposed to show the less flattering side of his time in the public eye. And his sexuality will likely be a major aspect of that characterization.
Rocketman's inclusion of queer content and same-sex romance has been a selling point of the movie ahead of its release. Following insane performance of Bohemian Rhapsody, the Elton John biopoc is expected to build off the success film. For instance, Taron Egerton is singing all of the musical numbers from Elton John's catalogue. Meanwhile, Rami Malek's Oscar winning role as Freddie Mercury only required him to lip synch the music.
Bohemian Rhapsody also got some backlash for not including enough scenes related to Freddie Mercury's sexuality. Instead, Mercury's girlfriend Mary Austin was the subject of most of his attention and affection. So if Rocketman goes full tilt and offers are more authentic view into Elton John's coming out process and personal life, then it could succeed where Bryan Singer's massively successful movie stumbled.
Taron Egerton recently spoke to how Elton John's romantic life would be handled in the upcoming biopic. He told Variety:
The most significant gay relationship explored in the film is Elton’s relationship with John Reid, but if there is a love story in this film, it is the love story between Elton and Bernie Taupin, and the incredible music they have produced over the past 50 years.
Rocketman has been developing for a number of years, so there's a certain level of anticipation and excitement for the upcoming biopic. And with Elton John currently on his goodbye tour, the timing is perfect. Generations of fans already have their focus on the legendary singer, so moviegoers will likely rush to theaters to see Rocketman. At least, that's what Paramount Pictures and Dexter Fletcher are likely hoping.
All will be revealed when Rocketman arrives in theaters on May 31st. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.
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