Avengers: Endgame Death Pool Quiz


Avengers: Endgame Death Pool Quiz

We're super excited about the new Avengers movie coming out soon -- SO excited that we decided to make an Avengers: Endgame Death Pool!

Do you think you know what's going to happen in Avengers: Endgame? Prove it by taking our quiz and enter to win!

What Is The Avengers: Endgame Death Pool?

The idea of a "death pool," for those who might not be as familiar, is to guess whether or not different people will be alive at the end of an event.

In this case, that event is the upcoming Avengers: Endgame! Infinity War set the precedent that there would be heroic casualties in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the name Endgame brings an ominous vibe suggesting not everyone is going to make it out alive - but who will and who won't? That's the guessing game we're playing here.

We have a survey below where you can make your guesses about who survives, consisting of the main and side characters from the Marvel universe who will probably be in the movie. We also have some extra questions to really test your MCU knowledge.

The Rules

We will give five points per correct guess on a main character, and one point per correct guess on a side character.

If a character does NOT appear in the movie, then the correct answer is however we saw them last.

We also have in the survey some extra five-point questions about what might happen in the movie to give you even more of a chance to prove how good you are at predicting the future.

And finally, we have one final tiebreaker question that is unlikely to have very many ties. In the case where there does end up being a tie on the main questions, the person with the closest guess on this one wins! If there are STILL ties after this question, then there will just be multiple winners.

The quiz will close at 11:59PM CST on Sunday, April 21st.

You can get started if you keep scrolling to the questions section below. Don't get dusted! And no using the Time Stone.


One lucky winner will receive their very own Marvel Legends Series Infinity Gauntlet like the one shown in the video below.

We ask for a valid email address and optional social media handles in the quiz so that when the results are in and we figure out who the winner is, we can send you the gauntlet and give you shoutouts on our social media channels!

We hope you have fun with this and share with all your friends if you want to see who can make the best guess!

The Quiz!

If the survey didn't load, you can take it by clicking here to visit the survey directly!!!

Thanks again for participating in our Death Pool!

Where To Do Some Research

If you're trying to get an edge on the competition, you may want to read up on all of the news that we've written about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There have been trailers, news stories about the actors coming and going from the franchise, news about the Marvel Phase 4 movies and more!

Find our Latest Marvel News Here.

Check out our MCU Timeline Infographic here.

See our video from Sean about a crazy Avengers: Endgame theory about the snap.

Subscribe to the CinemaBlend YouTube Channel to see upcoming Endgame videos that might shed more light on some things!

Maybe these six powerful moments from the Endgame trailer have some importance?

The list of upcoming Marvel Phase 4 Movies sounds like it could definitely help.

That's all the links we're going to give out so easily, though. For the rest, you're on your own! Good luck!


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