Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger Get Drop Kicked And Barely Flinch


Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger Get Drop Kicked And Barely Flinch
Arnold Schwarzenegger as the T-800 in Terminator: Dark Fate

There’s a scene in 1984’s The Terminator where a group of punks attacks and stabs Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 in an ill-advised move that is completely ineffective against the machine. Arnold Schwarzenegger may not be a machine, but he also proved some imperviousness to attack over the weekend. At the Arnold Classic Africa sports festival, the actor barely flinched when drop kicked by a local idiot. Take a look:

First of all, Arnold Schwarzenegger let fans know on Twitter that he is totally fine and thankfully unhurt by the incident. He even said that he initially thought he was just jostled by the crowd. And you can understand how he might think that considering how often the famous actor finds himself in adoring crowds and how ineffectual the drop kick was.

Arnold asks if it was a block or a charge, and while that may be a fine distinction in basketball, this is clearly a charge-- albeit a weak one. As you can see in the video, this rando goes fully airborne and launches himself at Arnold, and the actor and fitness icon barely flinches upon impact-- only taking a couple of steps forward.

Arnie was busy taking a Snapchat and interacting with his fans when this happened, so he was completely unprepared for such a cowardly attack and thus unable to prepare or tense up and still he could not be felled. He may be 71-years-old but the muscle-bound actor who played Conan the Barbarian is not so easily moved.

The attacker is quickly subdued by a very large man and handed over to police officers according to BBC News. Since the incident, Arnold Schwarzenegger has let everyone know that he is not pressing charges and hopes that this serves as a wake-up call to the unnamed man to get his life on track. It’s quite merciful on Arnie’s part to not want to draw out the incident any longer or give his attacker any undue fame.

While this fool does not deserve any of the fame he so desperately and pathetically sought, Arnold Schwarzenegger understands the newsworthiness of the story. So he wants to highlight those people who do deserve fame and attention, specifically the athletes that participated in the Arnold Classic Africa sports festival in Johannesburg, South Africa.

As he says in his tweets, the event features 90 sports, from Arm Wrestling and Bodybuilding to Chess, E-Sports, Martial Arts and Deaf Sports, and hosts 24,000 athletes of all ages and abilities in the spirit of physical activity and competition. It is a shame that such nonsense happened there but hopefully it will bring greater awareness to the event and its message.

Later this year, Arnold Schwarzenegger will return to the role that made him famous as another immovable object for Terminator: Dark Fate. That film reunites him with Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor and hits theaters on November 1. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to keep track of all this year’s biggest movies.


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